Module @racunis/core - v1.0.0

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@racunis/core is a TypeScript-based, robust, and flexible framework for queue management, providing a foundation for implementing database-based job queues. This package includes abstract classes and error handling for creating and managing job queues, workers, and database pools.


  • Abstract classes for database pools, clients, queues, and workers.
  • Type definitions for jobs and events.
  • Easy to extend and integrate into existing applications.
  • Configurable options for queues and workers.
  • Event handling for job states and errors.

To install @racunis/core, use one of the following commands:

# npm
npm install @racunis/core

# yarn
yarn add @racunis/core

# pnpm
pnpm add @racunis/core

# bun
bun add @racunis/core



To use the @racunis/core package, you need to create concrete implementations of the abstract classes provided. Below is a basic example of how to extend and use these classes:

import { AbstractDatabasePool, AbstractDatabasePoolClient, AbstractDatabaseQueue, AbstractDatabaseWorker, Job, JobState } from '@racunis/core';

// Example implementations
class MyDatabasePool extends AbstractDatabasePool<MyPool, MyPoolClient, MyPayload> {
async getClient(queueName: string): Promise<AbstractDatabasePoolClient<MyPoolClient, MyPayload>> {
// Implement getClient logic

async close(): Promise<void> {
// Implement close logic

class MyDatabasePoolClient extends AbstractDatabasePoolClient<MyPoolClient, MyPayload> {
release(): void {
// Implement release logic

async initQueueData(): Promise<void> {
// Implement initQueueData logic

async insertJob(payload: MyPayload, state: JobState, priority: number): Promise<Job<MyPayload>> {
// Implement insertJob logic

async acquireJob(): Promise<Job<MyPayload>> {
// Implement acquireJob logic

async updateJobStateById(id: number, state: JobState, errorMessage?: string): Promise<Job<MyPayload>> {
// Implement updateJobStateById logic

async countJobsByState(...states: JobState[]): Promise<{ [key in JobState]: number }> {
// Implement countJobsByState logic

async deleteJobsByState(...states: JobState[]): Promise<void> {
// Implement deleteJobsByState logic

async beginTransaction(): Promise<void> {
// Implement beginTransaction logic

async commitTransaction(): Promise<void> {
// Implement commitTransaction logic

async rollbackTransaction(): Promise<void> {
// Implement rollbackTransaction logic

class MyDatabaseQueue extends AbstractDatabaseQueue<MyPoolConfig, MyPool, MyPoolClient, MyPayload> {
createPool(poolConfig: MyPoolConfig): AbstractDatabasePool<MyPool, MyPoolClient, MyPayload> {
// Implement createPool logic

class MyDatabaseWorker extends AbstractDatabaseWorker<MyPoolConfig, MyPool, MyPoolClient, MyPayload> {
// Implement worker logic

Queue and Worker Options

@racunis/core provides configurable options for queues and workers to customize their behavior.

Queue Options

  • autostart: Automatically start processing jobs when the queue is created. Default is true.

    const queue = new MyDatabaseQueue('Queue', poolConfig, {
    autostart: false, // Do not start automatically

Worker Options

  • autostart: Automatically start the worker when it is created. Default is true.

  • processingInterval: Interval in milliseconds between job processing attempts. Default is 0.

  • waitingInterval: Interval in milliseconds for checking new jobs when the worker is waiting. Default is 1000.

  • maxRetries: Maximum number of retries for processing a job. Default is 3.

  • retryInterval: Interval in milliseconds between retry attempts. Default is 500.

    const worker = new MyDatabaseWorker(queue, (job) => {
    console.log('Processing job:', job.payload.task)
    }, {
    autostart: false, // Do not start automatically
    processingInterval: 1000, // Process jobs every 1 second
    waitingInterval: 2000, // Check for new jobs every 2 seconds
    maxRetries: 5, // Retry failed jobs up to 5 times
    retryInterval: 1000, // Wait 1 second between retries

These options allow you to tailor the behavior of queues and workers to fit your specific requirements.

Queue and Worker Events

@racunis/core supports various events for job queues and workers to handle job states and errors effectively. Below is an overview of the events and how you can use them.

Queue Events

These events are triggered by the queue during different stages of job processing.

  • activated: Emitted when a job is activated.
  • completed: Emitted when a job is completed.
  • failed: Emitted when a job fails.
  • error: Emitted when an error occurs.
const queue = new MyDatabaseQueue('Queue', poolConfig)

// Event listener for when a job is activated
queue.on('activated', ({ job }) => {
console.log(`Job activated: ${}`)

// Event listener for when a job is completed
queue.on('completed', ({ job }) => {
console.log(`Job completed: ${}`)

// Event listener for when a job fails
queue.on('failed', ({ job, error }) => {
console.log(`Job failed: ${}, Error: ${error.message}`)

// Event listener for queue errors
queue.on('error', ({ error }) => {
console.error(`Queue error: ${error.message}`)

Worker Events

These events are triggered by the worker while processing jobs.

  • waiting: Emitted when the worker is waiting for a job.
  • activated: Emitted when a job is activated.
  • completed: Emitted when a job is completed.
  • failed: Emitted when a job fails.
const worker = new MyDatabaseWorker(queue, (job) => {
console.log('Processing job:', job.payload.task)

// Event listener for when the worker is waiting for a job
worker.on('waiting', () => {
console.log('Worker is waiting for a job...')

// Event listener for when a job is activated
worker.on('activated', ({ job }) => {
console.log(`Job activated: ${}`)

// Event listener for when a job is completed
worker.on('completed', ({ job }) => {
console.log(`Job completed: ${}`)

// Event listener for when a job fails
worker.on('failed', ({ job, error }) => {
console.log(`Job failed: ${}, Error: ${error.message}`)

// Start the worker

Queue and Worker Control

@racunis/core provides mechanisms to control the execution of queues and workers, as well as methods to manage the state of jobs in the queue.

Getting Job Counts

You can get the count of jobs in various states using the getJobCounts method. This is useful for monitoring and managing the state of your job queue.

const jobCounts = await queue.getJobCounts('waiting', 'active', 'completed', 'failed')
console.log(`Waiting: ${jobCounts.waiting}`)
console.log(`Active: ${}`)
console.log(`Completed: ${jobCounts.completed}`)
console.log(`Failed: ${jobCounts.failed}`)

This will give you an object with the counts of jobs in the specified states, helping you keep track of the queue's status.

Starting and Stopping Queues and Workers

You can start and stop job processing in queues and workers using the start and stop methods.

  • Queue Start/Stop: Use start() to begin processing jobs in the queue and stop() to halt job processing.

    await queue.start() // Start processing jobs
    await queue.stop() // Stop processing jobs
  • Worker Start/Stop: Use start() to begin job processing by the worker and stop() to halt job processing.

    worker.start() // Start the worker
    await worker.stop() // Stop the worker

If you attempt to start a worker on a stopped queue, the worker will not start. Conversely, if you restart a queue that has a previously stopped worker, the worker will automatically start processing jobs again.

Draining and Emptying the Queue

@racunis/core provides methods to manage the jobs in the queue:

  • drain(): Deletes all waiting jobs in the queue.

    await queue.drain() // Clear all waiting jobs
  • empty(): Deletes all jobs in all states (waiting, active, completed, and failed).

    await queue.empty() // Clear all jobs in the queue

These methods allow you to maintain control over the job queue, ensuring you can clear jobs as needed.

Closing the Queue

The close method allows you to close the queue and release all associated resources. This is particularly useful for clean-up operations and ensuring that all connections are properly terminated.

await queue.close() // Close the queue and release resources

This method stops the queue from processing jobs, closes all associated workers, and releases any resources used by the queue, such as database connections.


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@racunis/core is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.




Type Aliases
